

You used to be so in love. You used to be best friends. You had so many dreams for your future and everything it could be. Now you feel that you are strangers. You don’t even recognize the person sleeping next to you anymore. You communication, however, you feel like you do not know each other anymore.

You long for the times of closeness you once had. You long for that deep connection that only could be fulfilled with each other. You want to be best friends and be in love once again. You’re desperate for it but just don’t know how to get it back.

Sometimes, we just need a little help to remember why we fell in love and how to get back to that place. I have helped hundreds of couples rekindle the love they once had and to move forward towards a healthier relationship. I can help you set the foundation for a beautiful future.


Your family is struggling and is feeling “stuck.” You are so disconnected it feels like you don’t know each other or maybe you are always fighting. Either way, you are not connecting in the way you wish. You are missing each other and not understanding each other.

I can help you gain the tools necessary to build a healthy family. You deserve to have the love and connection that you all deeply desire.